Nathan Heyde is a corporate and transactional attorney in Varner & Brandt’s Riverside office. Nathan practices law in the areas of corporate and business law, business and real estate transactions, mergers & acquisitions, contracts, real property, land use and finance. He has advised publicly and privately held businesses in entity formation and dissolution, asset and stock acquisitions, venture financing, real estate acquisitions and intellectual property protection and licensing.
He has guided his business clients in forming venture capital funds and domestic and international investments, private placements, and exempt securities offerings. Nathan also has experience specific to financial institutions. He has assisted financial entities with regulatory compliance, corporate governance, contract negotiations, financial privacy, and advertising. He has negotiated and drafted contracts and agreements for electronic banking, payment systems and non-deposit products and has lead regional client in multi-million dollar national money transmission licensing project.
- Corporate & Business
- Finance
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Real Estate / Land Use
- Banking
- Wealth Preservation
Recent Successes
- In 2008, Nathan successfully completed a national licensing campaign for one of the fastest growing stored value card/money transmitter companies in the United States. The multi-million dollar transaction involved more than a year’s worth of preparation, negotiations, filings, and administrative hearings. Today the company is operating on a national level and flourishing in the emerging stored value card industry.
- In January of 2009, Nathan assisted in the re-acquisition of a prominent regional paper products distribution company by the company's founding family. This transaction involved the sale of all of the company's assets, financial restructuring, complex redemption of shares, and the removal and appointment of a new management team.
Honors & Awards
- Law Review, Member
- Moot Court Honors Board, Member
- Trial Advocacy Honors Board
- CALI Award Recipient: Agency and Law Review
Community Involvement & Pro Bono
- Foothill AIDS Project, Pro Bono
- Greater Riverside Chamber Downtown Business Council, Board Member
- Can You Keep a Secret? The "Similar Relationship of Trust and Confidence" in the Misappropriation Theory: U.S. v. Kim, 26 Whittier L. Rev. 653 (2004)
- Whittier Law School, JD, cum laude, 2005
- University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain, 2003
- Sonoma State University, California, BA, 2000
- The State Bar of California
- Riverside County Bar Association