Calvin Love advises and represents companies and individuals in commercial litigation and labor and employment matters in both state and federal court. Calvin has a broad range of complex litigation experience, including in the areas of business litigation, consumer and regulatory claims, partnership disputes, fiduciary duties, contractual disputes, fraud, unfair competition, business torts, trade secrets, and defamation.
His practice also encompasses labor and employment disputes, including wage & hour violations, misclassification cases, discrimination, and harassment allegations, as well as wrongful termination and whistleblower complaints.
Calvin has successfully tried cases before judges, juries, and arbitrators. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of California, Irvine, where he teaches an upper-division class, “The Art of Trial Law.” Before starting his own trial firm, Calvin was an Associate at Vender Price (CA), LLP in the Commercial Litigation Practice Group. Previously, he was an Associate in the Labor and Employment Practice Group at Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton, LLP.
Calvin is a trial-ready litigator who relishes the thrill of representing his clients in Court.
- Labor & Employment
- Business Litigation
- Trial Practice
Recent Successes
- 2019: Second-chaired as trial counsel before an ADR Arbitrator involving an ownership dispute over a cannabis dispensary – obtained favorable ruling deeming opposing parties as non-prevailing.
- 2019: Lead Associate in nationwide class action involving alleged misrepresentations from a student loan servicer – defeated class certification and obtained summary judgment.
- 2018: First-Chaired as trial counsel before a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge involving a business dispute between a denim manufacturer and a retail denim brand – obtained a complete favorable verdict, including full award of damages on cross-claims.
- 2016: First-chaired as trial counsel in a jury trial involving a conservatorship dispute in San Diego Superior Court - obtained a unanimous favorable verdict.
- UCLA School of Law, JD, 2015
- University of California Irvine, BA, 2012
- The State Bar of California
- U.S. District Court, Central District of California
- U.S. District Court, Southern District of California
- U.S. District Court, Northern District of California
- U.S. District Court, Eastern District of California
- American Bar Association, Member